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Results on the interaction between QM and MM zones

ESP/MM results:
We have tested the ESP/MM approach during the environment minimization in the proton transfer step using different core/environment partitions. A full TS search in the core until convergence has been performed before minimizing again the environment. Unfortunately most of the calculations are unable to reach convergence. The few ones that converge require a huge amount of iterations and total CPU time. For instance, for the partition 138/1160 the ESP/MM approach needs 947/4942 core/environment iterations and 52690 s of total CPU time, in front of 206/765 iterations and 15551 s when the QM/MM calculations are carried out. Probably the problems in the convergence of the micro-iterative method are due to the fact that the TS search in the core and the environment minimization follow different potential energy surfaces.

Table 3.7: Results testing the QM(1SCF)/MM approach for the proton transfer step (full TS search)
core / env (iter.core/iter.env) energy$ ^a$ totalCPUtime$ ^b$
80 / 1218 (184/557) -7453.28 8677
140 / 1158 (164/658) -7453.28 12005
194 / 1104 (183/616) -7453.27 14776
399 / 899 (190/525) -7453.28 26250
643 / 655 (229/509) -7453.29 44321
$ ^a$ In kcal/mol      
$ ^b$ In seconds      

QM(1SCF)/MM results:
We present now the results of the series of tests in which only one SCF cycle has been performed to approximate the QM/MM energy during the minimization of the environment. A full TS search in the core until convergence has been performed before minimizing again the environment. The cases corresponding to the proton transfer and carbon configuration inversion steps are given in Tables 3.7 and 3.8, respectively. Although this 1SCF option has no definite effect on the total number of iterations, it is clear that the total CPU time is noticeably smaller. Indeed this is due to the fact that each 1SCF energy evaluation during the environment minimization is faster than a complete QM/MM energy calculation. On the other hand, the energy column shows that the 1SCF option leads to the same transition state structures as the complete QM/MM calculations. These results confirm that this 1SCF approach is reliable and provides a cheaper alternative to be used in the micro-iterative method.

Table 3.8: Results testing the QM(1SCF)/MM approach for the carbon configuration inversion step (full TS search)
core / env (iter.core/iter.env) energy$ ^a$ totalCPUtime$ ^b$
80 / 1218 (426/2426) -7442.34 19842
140 / 1158 (84/839) -7440.50 12407
194 / 1104 (105/841) -7440.49 15525
643 / 655 (327/545) -7440.54 47773
$ ^a$ In kcal/mol      
$ ^b$ In seconds      

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Xavier Prat Resina 2004-09-09