Asymmetric but not stereoselective:
The racemases enzyme family catalyze the interconversion of both substrate enantiomers
Although most enzymes are famous for being exquisitely asymmetric, by definition racemases
process both enantiomers and have equilibrium constants equal to unity. So the question arises,
how can these enzymes, which are inherently asymmetric, deal with both enantiomers with at
least approximately equal facility? The logical answer to this question is that
racemases must have evolved a functional and structural pseudosymmetry in their active sites.
Deprotonation of a high hydrogen:
Another question, in this case not exclusive of racemases, is the rapid proton exchange
involving carbon-hydrogen bond cleavage of carbon acids with relatively high .
In the case of mandelic acid its hydrogen has an estimated in solution of 22
and 29 for its anion mandelate[213].
While in 0.40 M NaOD the -proton of sodium mandelate undergoes exchange very slowly even at 100C, in contrast, Mandelate Racemase provokes the same exchange reaction with a turnover number of 1000 at 25C even at pH 7.5[214].3.2This puzzling situation is a general problem that appears in many other enzymatic reactions, for example, triose-phosphate isomerase, -ketosteroid isomerase, citrate synthase, enolase, aconitase and fumarase[215].
Bearne and Wolfenden[216] published a work where the non-enzymatic mandelic racemization reaction is studied in the presence of many different acid-base catalysts at different concentrations and different pH. A comparison between the reaction kinetics of enzymatic and non-enzymatic processes has concluded that Mandelate Racemases produces a rate enhancement under neutral conditions at 25C of 1.7 10-fold.