A harmonic restraining potential is often used as biasing function. Sometimes, in order to obtain an efficient sampling an additional biasing potential is used[261]. A cubic spline function fitted to a number of points along the reaction coordinate is added to the harmonic restraining potential.
![]() |
(5.1) |
We have used this additional biasing in the PMF for R and R
reaction coordinates.
In this case the spline function for an appropriate sampling was found easily thanks to the energy profile
obtained in the preceeding chapters by optimization of the structures.
In the rest of PMF calculations such trial error effort was not worthwhile and
the sampling is only improved by increasing the restraining harmonic constant.
In the present case the harmonic constant is 20.0 kcal/(molÅ
) while for the rest of reaction coordinates is increased to 30.0 kcal/(molÅ
In figure 4.4 we show the histograms for the probability distribution for the R
and R
reaction coordinates.
is converted to the probability density
by removing the biasing effect
in the posterior statistical analysis (see introductory section 1.5.2).
In figure 4.5 the potential of mean force is shown for the R (S
R) and R
The scanning of the reaction coordinate R (on the left of figure 4.5) reaches a zone
after the proton transfer from substrate to Lys166 (R
) where this coordinate is unable
to describe the carbon configuration inversion.
After this region the simulation explores a zone that does not belong to the reaction path anymore.
At this point Lys166 moves away from the substrate, leaving the stereogenic carbon in S configuration.
The PMF calculation using R (the profile on the right of figure 4.5) has different behavior but similar
is not able to describe the whole reaction either. In the R
S direction, after His297 abstracts
the hydrogen from the substrate (R
) and after some progress in the configuration inversion,
there is a simulation window where the molecular dynamics falls
into the steep valley directly to the reactant S region without describing the other half of the reaction.
This different behavior with the R
case can be attributed to the fact
that the central TS (the saddle point located in chapter 3) is rather product-like (R-like).
Consequently the reaction coordinate R
is able to reach some configurations that belong to the TS and falling down to the bottom at the S configuration.
The two flat zones encountered after the two corresponding proton transfers (in figure 4.5 are around R
and R
-0.5) and before the configuration inversions step
are not thermically stable at 298 K. Therefore,
although these two structures were minima with very low barrier saddle points, they cannot be considered intermediates
in terms of free energy.
As a consequence, the mechanism cannot be considered stepwise and a unique reaction coordinate should be able to
describe the whole step.
The energetics for the free energy profiles are collected in the table 4.3. Despite the highest energy
point is meaningless, the energy corresponding to the inflection zones is well described and they will be valuable
in the following sections.
We tried to include the coordinate r (see table 4.1) to describe the central step where the
configuration inversion takes place. However, any movement of the substrate substituents bounded to the alpha carbon (hydroxyl,
phenyl and carboxyl groups) provokes a remarkable variation in the value of
and this makes the scanning
of this coordinate a very difficult task.
Another option for Rc still using a combination of two distances consists in employing the distance between the
two transferred hydrogens with respect to the alpha carbon R=r
In figure 4.6 we show the PMF and the P(Rc) for every simulation window using R.
In some regions the restraining harmonic constant was increased to obtain a better sampling and an adequate overlap between
consecutive windows.
The PMF profile shown in the left of figure 4.6 has been built by WHAM technique.
The PMF profile by matching the different windows (not shown) had
some sharp points in the regions where WHAM displays a discontinuity.
The discontinuity in the free energy profile shows clearly the inadequacy of this reaction coordinate. Although we have been able to connect the reactants and products through different overlapping simulations, this reaction coordinate describes the racemization process but lacks of the adequate exploration of some regions along the reaction process.
This fact means that there are relevant movements that belong to the reaction path not contained in R when scanning
the distances H
C and C
A confirmation of this assessment is shown in figure 4.7 where the average and the fluctuations of the
two bond distances r
and r
for each simulation window are shown.
The evolution of the distances shows an abrupt jump that explains the discontinuity in the free energy profile.
In particular, from S
R direction, the initial approximation of Lys166 to the substrate needed for the first proton transfer
is not reproduced and the proton transfer takes place at Rc
-0.8 too brusquely. This sudden change is represented
in the PMF profile by the discontinuity. The situation is the same in the R-side for the proton transfer between
His297 and the substrate. Although the configuration inversion is monitored adequately, the posterior proton transfer
from His297 takes place again with a brusque jump between two adjacent and overlapping windows around Rc